Newcastle upon Tyne, UK has long been dubbed a 'party city' and this largely candid project seeks to capture the essence of 'The Toon' streets on a Saturday night.  Centred around the Bigg Market and other popular drinking haunts, this was Hazel Plater's first photography as a distinct documentary series, starting in 2017.
The challenges here are the less well-lit areas, the areas over lit with harsh takeaway light, the anything-could-happen-next vibe, and, on wintery nights, the freezing cold that many aren't dressed for!
An ongoing joint project with Maria Maza, who has her own set from their outings, they presented some of their earlier shots as the, 'On the Lash' exhibition for Newcastle's The Late Shows in May 2019.  With a break during covid times, they have picked it back up, and after more work on location, expect to see more from them on this.

All photographs © Hazel Plater  
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